Long retreat, retreat, said Junaidi, to 32 cm. This does not include the end of the outer tire. However, there are unique on the retreat, withdraw it. When the construction is typically shaped letters “H”, here he made a model “J”.
“To be strong due to rim and engine load, the material is taken from galvanized,” he explained. This effort shall thumbs up. Imagine, with the rear wheel of a super-wide, the device remains in the middle. If viewed from the tire and rim application, then surely this Mio into Bobber style.
To adjust the back of the already overly stretch, re-house CVT reformed. Way, that part was cut and added to plates 8 cm to match the back, though not quite fit the position because it was too out of place.
Front wheel chopper-like models in the Harley-proved difficult to maneuver. Turning radius is very small like a chopper-style motorcycle HD. Changes made by sliding out and replace steering triangular shaped enggak again straight, but it resembles a “V”.

Long mundur, mundur, kata Junaidi, menjadi 32 cm. Ini tidak termasuk akhir ban luar. Namun, ada yang unik pada retret, menariknya. Saat proses konstruksi biasanya berbentuk huruf "H", di sini dia membuat model "J".To adjust the back of the already overly stretch, re-house CVT reformed. Way, that part was cut and added to plates 8 cm to match the back, though not quite fit the position because it was too out of place.
Front wheel chopper-like models in the Harley-proved difficult to maneuver. Turning radius is very small like a chopper-style motorcycle HD. Changes made by sliding out and replace steering triangular shaped enggak again straight, but it resembles a “V”.

"Untuk menjadi kuat akibat beban pelek dan mesin, bahan yang diambil dari galvanis,"jelasnya. Upaya jempol harus up. Bayangkan, dengan roda belakang dari super-lebar, perangkat tetap di tengah. Jika dilihat dari ban dan aplikasi pelek, maka pasti gaya Mio ke Bobber.
Untuk menyesuaikan belakang peregangan sudah terlalu, kembali rumah CVT direformasi. Caranya, bagian yang dipotong dan ditambahkan ke piring 8 cm untuk mencocokkan belakang, meskipun kurang pas posisi karena terlalu keluar dari tempat.
Roda depan model chopper-seperti di Harley-terbukti sulit untuk manuver. Turning radius sangat kecil seperti sepeda motor HD chopper-style. Perubahan yang dilakukan oleh meluncur keluar dan menggantikan kemudi enggak berbentuk segitiga lagi lurus, tapi menyerupai "V".
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